Sermon by Pastor Tom Brown · Sep 15, 2024 · Nehemiah Series

One of the greatest enemies of righteousness and human flourishing is the familiarity of the status quo.

It doesn’t take long before circumstances that first seem tragic and unacceptable become familiar features of our daily lives.

In Nehemiah’s time the people had grown familiar with a city that had rubble for walls and burnt out doorways for gates.

The good news for them and for us is that God is not a tolerator of the status quo. He raised up a man with a burning intolerance for things as they were.

Nehemiah chapter 2:11-20 is the account of Nehemiah’s first steps to change. The passage is full of wisdom to be gleaned for anyone who seeks to disrupt brokenness in this world.

Nehemiah faced the cold hard facts with fresh eyes of faith. (11-16)

He inspired consensus with a testimony of faith and determination to succeed. (17-18)

He side-stepped opposition with the upward glance of faith. (19-20)

His enemies had numbers and resources, but Nehemiah had the God of heaven. There was not contest.

This passage is a reminder for me that there is no righteous change without resistance. We must not be surprised if our first steps to serve Christ in a good project result in a punch in the mouth.

Nehemiah inspired his people by showing them that victory had already started for them in Susa.

Today we have someone far greater than Nehemiah calling out to his people to rise up and build. Jesus accomplished the ultimate victory on the cross which has given you and I the ultimate starting point for our good work in this world.

Let us resist the status quo, friends. Let us rise and throw ourselves into the work of the kingdom this week.

Tom Brown is the planting pastor of Vintage Faith Church in Wichita. Tom and his wife, Mandy, have worked together in ministry for 18 years and have four children. More about Pastor Tom Brown