Coronavirus Updates

Update: 14 Mar 2020

In the desire to prevent unnecessary suffering and to support the efforts of those God has placed in authority in our city, we will be canceling our public gatherings at Vintage until further notice.  We will continue to carefully monitor our local situation and stay in close communication.

In place of a public service tomorrow, we will be streaming a Facebook Live event at the normal service time—10 AM. I’ll open up the Bible, share some thoughts about this interesting time and give updates related to our situation. If you have questions or need anything, please don’t hesitate to get ahold of me or your community group leaders in the coming days.

13 Mar 2020

Dear Church,

I have been closely tracking the news of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) locally, nationally, and globally.  Local news outlets are reporting this morning a confirmed case of Coronavirus here in Wichita—a patient at Wesley Hospital. Wesley has reported that the patient recently returned from a cruise and isolated themselves upon returning.  

As of today, we plan to continue holding our Sunday services and community groups as scheduled. However, this is subject to change, so please stay up-to-date on the latest communication. This whole situation is evolving rapidly. We will be tracking updates from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment and local officials and will communicate any changes on this page.

The spread of this virus and its effect on our daily life can create anxiety and fear. Scripture is clear that God has given us a spirit of love, not fear, and that He, ultimately, is in control, trustworthy, and good. May we experience peace in the midst of these circumstances as we dwell on the truth of God and His sovereignty.

This does not mean we should be careless or reactionary, but rather be aware and work together to serve our church and community, and do so in a spirit that demonstrates trust in our God who is in control and points people to the hope we have in Jesus Christ.

Although our Sunday services and community groups are currently anticipated to continue as scheduled, no one should feel obligated to attend these gatherings. We want everyone to take the precautions they feel are necessary, and we ask that individuals adhere to the following policies below.

Precautions for Sunday and Other Events

  • Avoid close contact with anyone who may be sick.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Stay home when you are feeling sick; exercise discernment when assessing whether to come or not.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, before entering a gathering, after going to the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
  • Washing your hands with soap and water is superior to utilizing hand sanitizer when it comes to preventing the spread of infectious diseases. However, hand sanitizer should also be utilized if hand washing is not available.


At this point we will continue observing communion, but rather than passing the plate and cup will leave them at the front of the sanctuary during the communion time.


As much as possible, our hospitality team will hold doors open to greet you, and will not engage in handshakes or other forms of unnecessary, close contact.

Kids’ Classes and Nursery

We ask that parents help children wash their hands thoroughly before dropping them off at kids’ classes and/or the nursery. Hand sanitizer will also be more readily available throughout our building. It is imperative that parents, volunteers, and children are following all sickness policies, and additional policies stated above.

Finally, we ask for your prayers for our world and community, specifically for those who are directly impacted by this virus. We are very thankful that our great source of peace and hope is in Jesus Christ, and pray we exercise faith through these times of uncertainty.

This really is an interesting and unprecedented situation for us, isn’t it? What isn’t new is God’s sovereign, wise and strong hand in our lives. None of this is news to Him. As always, let’s trust in Him and love our neighbors well.

Pastor Tom Brown