In his gospel, the apostle John uses the word pistis (trust or belief) 98 times.
Wesley Duewel, the influential president of One Mission Society, saw the centrality of belief in John and in all the Scriptures:
“From the standpoint of omnipotence, God is almighty – His power is utterly unlimited. From the standpoint of sovereignty, God can do what He will. But from the standpoint of His grace, He has chosen normally to limit His miracle answers to our believing.”
Christ, through his finished work on the cross and his indwelling Spirit, has made available to us everything we need for salvation and a life of abundance and victory.
Not everyone enjoys that fulness of salvation.
Our belief or trust is what unites us with Christ and all of his gifts. That’s true the moment we are born again in justification. And it’s true every day of our pilgrimage in this world.
If faith is the key to receiving and enjoying all that Christ offers, is there anything more important than believing?
This year I aim to follow the example of David and resolve to trust unreservedly in our Lord and his promises. Will you join me?
In 2025, let us trust harder rather than try harder.
Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge. -Psalm 62:5
Tom Brown is the planting pastor of Vintage Faith Church in Wichita. Tom and his wife, Mandy, have worked together in ministry for 18 years and have four children. More about Pastor Tom Brown